Taste and see that the Lord is good; blessed is the one who takes refuge in him. Psalm, 34.8
The bible verse “The heart of man plans his way, but the Lord establishes his steps.” (Proverbs 16:3) is precious to me. God’s hand has already ordered my steps into King’s Daughter through winning the book “Arise and shine in your beauty”.
After the book – my prize – had been sent to me three time and still only got to me after more tries, I got the feeling that God had something in store for me. Curiously I started reading and after only a few pages I felt that a healing process began. Things came to light and tears flowed. I followed God’s calling to register for the Compact Seminar and go to see a King’s Daughter evening.
Concluding I can say that it changed my life, healed wounds of rejection and brought me much closer to Father God. In my opinion, the mixture of helping you to enter into a relationship with the Father, providing a “safe place” as well as having communion and delicious food in a wonderful atmosphere, makes King’s daughter so successful. It has been a cherished milestone on my journey. Dear King’s Daughter team, thank you for it all. (Patricia R.)
The concept of women’s meetings wasn’t new to me – be it in the morning for breakfast or lunch meetings. I have always loved the power you feel when women get together to seek Jesus. Finding my home church in the Vineyard Church Speyer, I was drawn to this quite different concept:
Women coming together in the evening to hear about their identity. An evening that feels more like a visit to the spa – uplifting for body, soul and spirit. I fell in love with the freedom of choice that is at the heart of King’s Daughter. You can always choose how far you want to go into the topic. It overwhelmed me to the point of wanting to be a part of this beautiful group of women who despite their very different focal points, strengths, ages and histories created something new.
Personally, I feel that King’s Daughter has played a huge part in my journey of uncovering my hidden beauty. I have known Jesus since I was 13, I have walked through a beautiful inner healing process where Father God has healed so much of my past. And still, it goes deeper…
In King’s Daughter, I’ve found a place where I don’t have to be afraid to shine in my incompleteness. I love how the Father speaks to me and draws me closer every time I can be a part of King’s daughter. Thank you, Tanja for going after your heart’s desire: to provide a place where women can arise and shine. You have succeeded. (Diana D)
During the King’s Daughter Prayer I was able to ask Father God for the causes of my pain. Special about it was that He answered me with a beautiful picture of a red-carpeted stairway to heaven. This started to heal the wound, I have had since my childhood, in deep places and consoled me very much.
Especially precious was the fact that the woman praying with me received the exact same picture. That’s how God confirmed my impression. Hallelujah, I am so thankful for this experience! (Klaudia G.)
The precious thing about King’s Daughter is that every king’s daughter can come in freedom, learn to heal from the past, come from inferiority to the worth of a daughter of the King. Discovering that God Father has already been amid everything that has happened. The King’s Daughter prayer always makes me aware that I can step into a relationship with Father God and that He can embrace me as I am, but at the same time point out things that need work. This is a gift of freedom and encouraging. I believe the book “A Journey into a changed way of life” should be part of a Christian trauma therapy. It’s a gift. The King’s Daughter evenings and books are very encouraging. Thank you. (Christine S.)
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