When women arise in their beauty as king’s daughters to live in their identity, the world will change. A beauty free of fear, abuse, control and competition. A beauty reflecting Father God.
You are called as king's daughter to shine in your beauty: arise and shine in your beauty. We believe that, regardless of hardships, of how tremendous hurt and suffered pain may be,
God holds a path out of it all because He is good and He loves every woman.
Some parts of this process remind us of the life of a butterfly. As King’s Daughters, women have a tender and sensitive side,
but at the same time life-bringing strength flows from them.
It’s about women living the calling Father God has given them: a calling to be his very image. (Genesis 1.27) Women arising and shining in their beauty change the world.
It’s the vision of King’s Daughter to have a place for women where they can rise and unfold their beauty.
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